salam semua...
lastly i manage to watch that movie...
aku ni bukan jenis suka download movie so beli la DVD..
x tau la nape aku ni ader penyakit ni...
tapi x pe..i'm hepi with it..
love the story line..
movie that remind me to si adiwira...

i'll keep the promise that i made since 5 years i know you...
hope it'll same goes to u..

"I promise you that it'll all be over sooner than you think. Then i'll be back for good"
-John Tyree-

once in two week i had a chance to see him...
just afraid after he finish his study...
will be apart for a quite a long..
no contact, no messaging, no going bed song, no morning message..
i'll learn to adapt it..
lucky for me because my dad is an army..
my mom is my advisor to make me calm and go through with it...
no matter what i'll wait u..
thats my promise..

"I'm the one who choose u, no turning back, no regret..How hard to face it, I'll wait.."

notakaki: "Ya Allah, sekiranya dia jodohku, mudahkan lah perjalanan kami, tetapkan lah hati kami..Andainya dugaan diduga pada kami, satukan hati kami, tabahkan hati kami untuk harungi bersama..Sesungguhnya hanya kepada-Mu hambamu berserah" -Amin~~-

6 Bicara anda ♥♥♥:

Anonymous said...

moga bahagia selalu.

Niena Farrah-Hana said...


Saidatul Noor Farhana said...


Saidatul Noor Farhana said...

Niena: amin..tqvm..amin utk hubungan ko jugak...ehe...

Safrah Zainal said...

don't worry my dear..i'll pray for your happiness..insyaAllah, kalau kite ikhlas antara 1 sama lain Allah permudahkan jalan & doa la selalu jodoh both of u kekal hingga akhir hayat :)

Saidatul Noor Farhana said...

amin..tqvm sap..aku pn doa kn ko jugak yayang...moga bhgia ngan en.kiki ko tu...:)

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