moga bahagia2 selalu..jgn la sedih2 k???i know he love u..if not dh lme dia cari lain..but u can see he still choose u rather that that gurl...don't ever give up as long as u can feel he love u...ok my dear~~~
patut muka laki tu diblurkn.. pasal kak jia xdpt nak picit2 jerawat kat muka dia tu.. nasib baik time dia cuti tu kak jia bz kalau x abis jahanam muka dia tu\.. hahahaha..
tu ah...sai ni tuka2 layout..nk kene rotan ni..hahaha..bru dpt komen babe..godek sana.godek sini.baru pasan tmpt komen ade sebenarnya.kah3..sai pegi tak convo fest upnm??
kita tak pegi lah sai..izul tak bg dtg...huhu...nt sai tangkap gambar byk3 tau...nk tgk gak convo fest kat sana mcm mana..puhlissss..nk tunggu izul convo taun depan lak...
11 Bicara anda ♥♥♥:
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moga bahagia2 selalu..jgn la sedih2 k???i know he love u..if not dh lme dia cari lain..but u can see he still choose u rather that that gurl...don't ever give up as long as u can feel he love u...ok my dear~~~
ur silent reader yg suka bce ur blog...
hye2 my silent reader...
how u know it's him????such a great silent reader...thanks anyway...:)
patut muka laki tu diblurkn.. pasal kak jia xdpt nak picit2 jerawat kat muka dia tu.. nasib baik time dia cuti tu kak jia bz kalau x abis jahanam muka dia tu\.. hahahaha..
2 la psl...kalo x dier mst ckp skt cz k.jia selalu geram ngan jerawat2 dier...ehe...xpe2...tggu dier blk lg n picit kaw2 nye..(:
babe.baru tau leh komen kat sini babe.hahahahaha....smoga babe bahagie...muahhhh
yeke??susa eh nk cari tmpt comment????
tp jmpe gak..(:
tu ah...sai ni tuka2 layout..nk kene rotan ni..hahaha..bru dpt komen babe..godek sana.godek sini.baru pasan tmpt komen ade sebenarnya.kah3..sai pegi tak convo fest upnm??
sori2 syg....
sai nk pg sgt tp may b lmbt..ahad je jumaat smpai pg ahad kat pahang..ader kenduri..
nad pegi ke???
kita tak pegi lah sai..izul tak bg dtg...huhu...nt sai tangkap gambar byk3 tau...nk tgk gak convo fest kat sana mcm mana..puhlissss..nk tunggu izul convo taun depan lak...
ok..nnt kalo pg sai tgkp gmbr eh???
ala...bru ingt nk jmpe...):
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