:: SEDEY ::

arini ak kemas sgkr my hamster...
sejak kebelakangan ni ak selalu post n3 psl hamster kn???
enth la..mggu ni byk sgt bnda jd psl hamster...
sedey tau...
my Tess skt...
kne Diarrohea @ cirit birit...
Tess semakin kurus..
mcm ak dh wat utk dier but nothing change...
esok nk g pet shop...
cari Raspberry Leaves...
daun ni bgus utk hamster yg kne cirit birit cm Tess....
mmg makin kurus gle Tess...
sedey ak tgok...
cm hamster t'biar je...Align Leftmama ak ckp may sbb ader bnda dier x blh mkn...
enth la...btoi kot..
cz last 2 wek ak byk beli makanan baru utk diorg.
may b one of it Tess x blh makan...
sori my dear....
my mood now very sad!! ):

1 Bicara anda ♥♥♥:

Saidatul Noor Farhana said...

thanks anyway..:)

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