|| lme x update!!! ||

lme x update blog ni..
dh mula b'sawang kot...nk kne pggl cleaner ni...hahaha..(>_<)
acctly quite bz along this month until next month...
uhu...next week is a last kelas for a 2nd year...
exam final will start at 22 april until 4th may...
wish me luck....acctly nk update this blog sbb nk bgtau ak dh beli 2 ekor hamster betina...
cz my last hamster b4 dis dua2 jantan..
jht tol org yg bg aritu...kne tpu...
ingt kn hamster ak mandul...
so total hamster ak ialah 4 ekor...
i give them name 'Lilo n Lily'...
gmbr will upload later cz mls sket la...
wokey...better stop here...c soon..=)

2 Bicara anda ♥♥♥:

enyheartsdiamond said...

hye babe..seyes lama gila u x update..our final will b on da same week lah! goodluck ya!!!

Saidatul Noor Farhana said...

mmg lme gler...
cz mmg gler2 nyer bz....
uhu...pape pn i'm hepi to see u epi ur bf..
moga bhgia k????
oooo...sme la kte..gud luck final..=))

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