~~minggu yg memenat kn~~

nothing special for dis week except kepenatan...
too many things to do n too many test must be take....
mggu ni je ak kne siap kn 6 lab report...
babun larrr...
penat gle...
dh la 1 lab report 25 page....
tiredness gle....

mggu ni pn agak kelam kabut sket...
tp pape pn sempat wat suprise bufday utk die...
it's nothing pn..
jz g anta kek kat u die without telling him...
b mtk maap cyg cz can't do much better than that...

bz n timetable sem ni pack sgt....
pape pn b ttp cyg kn abg tau???

epi belated bufday cyg......
gambar kek (x clear cz 3G nyer gmbar)

.....umur cyg dh 20 taun...

....dh 20 taun so x de moo moo dh...

i'll always lurve u cyg

0 Bicara anda ♥♥♥:

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